Katie is a social worker, which requires her to work long hours. Last night at about 8pm, she was finishing up some work for the day and got into a car accident. Luckily, neither Katie nor her two passengers were injured... and Brandy (the car) suffered only minor injuries. Body work only.
We noticed this morning that our front license plate was lost in the accident and wasn't recovered by the police officer. So, just to be safe, we had our plates reported as lost and got a new set this morning. Now it's just a matter of getting the work done to restore our beautiful car back to her previous state of loveliness.
In the next few months, Katie and I will be buying a new vehicle. The new one will be primarily for Katie, and I will get Brandy. She's always been an excellent car, but this accident has really restored my confidence in her. This accident could've been a lot worse- but the car did exactly what it was supposed to do, and there is very little damage. This makes me feel safe, knowing that we'll soon have very precious cargo in that vehicle... it's good to know she's a reliable car.
I also have nothing but good things to say about our insurance company so far. Progressive is making this incredibly easy. We have a low deductible (we paid a little bit of a higher premium for that feature, but it is definitely worth it) and there is a Progressive Claims Center just a few minutes from our house. Tomorrow we will take her in. They will give us a rental car at no cost to us, and they will call us when she is repaired. We will pay our deductible... and nothing else. That is SUCH a relief for us.